
作者: 来源: 发布日期:2020-10-28 浏览次数:

1. 宗旨 Mission:BECAL, a multidisciplinary institute at NWAFU, focuses on coordinating and facilitating research, outreach and education efforts across the university, building teams and discovery platforms to address the key challenges of developing bioenergy, bio-based products, and circular bioeconomy in Northwest China. 更新发展理念,针对西北地区生物质资源开发利用的深层次问题,打造一流支撑平台和研究团队,推动学科交叉汇聚,突破发展瓶颈,加速内涵式发展,加快建设国际一流农林生物质资源高效利用优势学科群,加速融入生物质资源与生物制造产业的革命性发展潮流,为推动西北地区的循环生物经济和绿色可持续发展贡献力量。

2. 主要研究领域Key Research Areas: 生物质能碳捕集与封存(Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage, BECCS)是减缓全球气候变化的关键技术,其中生物质的碳捕集与封存属性以及生物质能源的碳减排功效是 BECCS 技术的物质基础。黄土高原等西北地区是我国人口、资源、环境矛盾最集中的区域之一,位于半干旱和干旱区域,生态环境脆弱,对气候变化敏感,是我国乃至全球水土流失最严重的地区之一。退耕还林还草等生态建设工程的持续实施显著提升了黄土高原植被覆盖率,但不合理的生态建设布局影响了区域水资源的可持续性和粮食安全。调整植被恢复策略,发展可持续的循环生物质经济,是实现黄土高原地区可持续发展的重要途径,这需要多学科协同创新,包括生物质作物育种、种植技术体系优化、生物质转化利用技术开发以及产业链环境与经济综合效益评估和目标优化等。中心的研究方向包括:(1)创新旱区优良生物质作物分子育种策略:干旱半干旱地区制约生物质作物产量的主要环境因素包括土壤含水量低、养分贫瘠和盐渍化等,本研究方向聚焦光合产物合成、分配和沉积机制及其逆境响应机制分析,明晰逆境条件下植物生物质(细胞壁)合成调控的分子基础,为制定生物质作物的高产多抗分子育种策略奠定理论与技术基础;(2)优化牧草/能源草种植技术体系:该方向研究聚焦生物质转化利用副产品生物炭和沼肥以及促生菌对生物质作物出苗率、生物量以及土壤改良和碳沉积的影响,为优化改良本地区优良生物质作物的种植管理技术体系建设奠定基础;(3)提升生物质转化利用效率:细胞壁是植物生物质的主要成分,光合作用产物主要沉积于细胞壁,形成纤维素和半纤维素等多糖聚合物以及木质素等酚类聚合物,它们之间的相互作用维持细胞壁刚性和结构完整性,同时影响细胞壁转化利用效率。阐明生物质抗降解屏障作用机制,不仅有助于提升厌氧发酵产沼气等转化利用效率,也对生物质作物品种选育具有指导意义;(4)生物质经济产业链多目标优化与发展评估:生物质作物的数量性状,如产量及环境适应性,由基因型与环境相互作用或在不同目标环境中生长的基因型的响应所决定。该方向研究利用基于基因型和环境互作的作物生长模型,描述不同土壤和气候条件下生物质作物基因型特征,预测不同环境和气候条件下生物质产量,为作物育种及种植和管理提供重要依据;并通过生物质作物经济和环境效益评估模型,评估相关产业链的经济、社会和生态环境价值,明确不同区域的育种、种植和利用技术优化目标,结合产业链中转化利用技术的生命周期和技术经济评估,不断提高生物质循环利用体系的直接价值和间接价值,包括产品价值和生态环境价值等,协同推进本地区降碳、减污、扩绿、增长,助力生态优先、节约集约和绿色低碳的生物质经济发展。

3.研究团队Core Research Team:

旱区生物质能研究中心:协作成员32人,分别来自新浦京集团350vip、水土保持研究所、资源与环境学院、机电学院、林学院等,包括教授20人,副教授9人,技术人员3人。团队近年来在国内外该领域形成了明显的学术影响力,获批国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项1项、公益性行业[农业]科研专项1项、公益性行业[农业]科研专项子课题1项、国家重点研发计划子课题2项、“十二五”农村领域国家科技计划课题1项、国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)子课题1项、国家国家自然科学基金10多项。发表论文300余篇, SCI收录160余篇,在PNAS、Molecular Plant、Green Chemistry、Journal of Cell Biology、New Phytologist、Current Opinions in Plant Science、Plant Physiology、Biotechnology for Biofuels、Energy、Renewable Energyy等IF 5.0以上期刊发表论文20余篇。

中心负责人:陈少林,新浦京集团350vip教授,博士生导师,入选陕西省人才计划。2018年选任国际著名生物质资源与生物能源期刊《Global Change Biology Bioenergy》副主编,同年选任“丝绸之路多功能循环农业与生物资源循环科技创新联盟”理事长。2019年选任“中国植物生理与分子生物学学会能源植物专业委员会”副主任委员。1997年获美国康奈尔大学环境生物工程博士学位。先后就职于康奈尔大学环境毒理研究所、斯坦福大学卡内基研究院、加州大学伯克利分校及能源生物科学研究院等研究机构。2013年特聘至新浦京集团350vip。主持国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作/港澳台科技创新合作”重点专项、“十二五”农村领域国家科技计划子课题、国家自然科学基金项目等。

4. 学术委员会Scientific Advisory Committee:

国内委员 Advisors:Prof. SHAN Lun, Academician, the Chinese Academy of Engineering;

Prof. KANG Zhensheng, Academician, the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Prof. QU Yinbo, Shandong University; Prof. WEI Gehong, NWAFU; Prof. MA Longlong, Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, CAS; Prof. PENG Liangcai, Huazhong Agricultural University;

海外委员 Overseas Advisors: Prof. Steve Long FRS, a Fellow of the Royal Society, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC); Prof. Louise Glass, University of California Berkeley; Prof. Madhu Khanna, Associate Director, the Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Environment, UIUC; Prof. Jocelyn Rose, Director, Institute of Biotechnology, Cornell University; Prof. Staffan Persson, University of Melbourne.

5. 代表性研究成果 Representative Publications:

[1] CHEN S. Developing sustainable bioenergy in Northwest China [J]. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(06): 1195-6.

[2] XU Q, LIESCHE J. Sugar export from Arabidopsis leaves: Actors and regulatory strategies [J]. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2021, 72(15): 5275-84.

[3] Huachun Sheng; Shuangxi Zhang; Yanping Wei; Shaolin Chen; Exogenous Application of Low Concentration Sugar Enhances Brassinosteroid Signaling for Skotomorphogenesis by Promoting BIN2 Degradation, International journal of molecular sciences, 2021, 22(24): 13588.

[4] Liu Xiaohui; Li Jiazhou; Zhao Heyu; Liu Boyang; Gunther Pomorski Thomas; Chen Shaolin; Liesche Johannes ; Novel tool to quantify cell wall porosity relates wall structure to cell growth and drug uptake, The Journal of Cell Biology, 2019, 218(4): 1408-1421.

[5] Yanmei Liu; Shaolin Chen; Moritz Cossel; Bingcheng Xu; Huanlin Gao; Rui Jiang; Andre Faaij ; Evaluating the suitability of marginal land for a perennial energy crop on the Loess Plateau of China, GCB Bioenergy, 2021, 13(9): 1388-1406.

[6] Yanmei Liu; Astley Hastings; Shaolin Chen; Andre Faaij ; The development of a new crop growth model SwitchFor for yield mapping of switchgrass, GCB Bioenergy, 2022, 14(12): 1281-1302.

[7] Xu Q, Yin SJ, Ma YE, Song M, Ren YJ, Liu X, Gao C, Song YJ, Mu SC, Li YS, Chen S, Liesche J. 2020. Carbon export from leaves is controlled via ubiquitination and phosphorylation of sucrose transporter SUC2.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A . 117(11):6223-6230.

[8] Chen SS, Jia HL, Xiaofeng Wang XF, Shi C, Wang X, Ma PY, Wang J, Ren MJ, Li JS. 2020. Hydrogen Sulfide Positively Regulates Abscisic Acid Signaling through Persulfidation of SnRK2.6 in Guard Cells.  Mol Plant  13(5):732-744.

[9] Liu X, Li J, Zhao H, Liu B, Günther-Pomorski T, Chen S, Liesche J. 2019. Novel tool to quantify cell wall porosity relates wall structure to cell growth and drug uptake.  Journal of Cell Biology  218:1408-1421.

[10]  Zhao C, Xie B, Zhao RZ, Chen SL, Fang H. 2018. Intracellular amino and nonamino organic acids profiling of  Trichosporon cutaneum  on rich and limited nitrogen conditions for lipid production.  Biomass and Bioenergy.  118:84-92.

[11] Zhao C, Zou ZS, Li JS, Jia HL, Liesche J, Chen SL, Fang H. 2018. Efficient bioethanol production from sodium hydroxide pretreated corn stover and rice straw in the context of on-site cellulase production.  Renewable Energy.  118:14-24.

[12]  Xu QY, Chen SY, Ren YJ, Chen SL, Liesche J. 2018. Regulation of sucrose transporters and phloem loading in response to environmental cues.  Plant Physiology.  176.1: 930-945.

[13]  Zhao C, Zou ZS, Li JS, Jia HL, Liesche J, Chen SL, Fang H. 2018. Efficient bioethanol production from sodium hydroxide pretreated corn stover and rice straw in the context of on-site cellulase production.  Renewable Energy.  118:14-24.

[14]  Cooney D, Kim HM, Quinn L, Lee M-S, Guo J, Chen SL, XU BC, Lee DK. 017. Switchgrass as a bioenergy crop in the Loess Plateau, China: Potential lignocellulosic feedstock production and environmental conservation.  Journal of Integrative Agriculture  16(6): 1211-1226.

[15]  Gao ZJ, Liu JB, An QQ, Wang Z, Chen SL, Xu BC. 2017. Photosynthetic performance of switchgrass and its relation to field productivity: A three-year experimental appraisal in semiarid Loess Plateau.  Journal of Integrative Agriculture  16(6): 1227-1235.

[16]  Zhao C, Zou ZS, Li JS, Jia HL, Liesche J, Fang H, Chen SL. 2017. A novel and efficient bioprocess from steam exploded corn stover to ethanol in the context of on-site cellulase production.  Energy , 123: 499-510.

[17]  Liesche J, Pace MR, Xu QY, Li YQ, Chen SL. 2017. Height-related scaling of phloem anatomy and the evolution of sieve element end wall types in woody plants.  New Phytologist,  214 (1): 245–256.

[18]  Zhao C, Deng L, Fang H, Chen SL. 2017. Single cell oil production by  Trichosporon cutaneum  from steam-exploded corn stover and its upgradation for production of long-chain α,ω-dicarboxylic acids.  Biotechnology for Biofuels.  10: 202.

[19] Niu Furong; Huo Lijuan; Wang Zhi; Liu Jinbiao; Gao Zhijuan; Li Min; Xu Bingcheng; Effects of nitrogen addition and watering on soil seed bank germination in a semiarid grassland on the Loess Plateau of China, Land Degradation & Development, 2023, 34: 142-155.

[20] An Qinqin; Wang Shiqi; Kang Jiyue; Wang Zhi; Chen Yinglong; Xu Bingcheng; Fine root distribution and morphological characteristics of switchgrass under different row spacings on semi-arid Loess Plateau, China, Archives for Agronomy and Soil Science, 2022, 68(1): 1-17.
