
作者:wangyoucai 来源: 发布日期:2018-05-21 浏览次数:



杨博(杨雯岚),女,博士,副教授。1978年生,陕西省三原县人,2000.6毕业于中国农业大学园艺系,获农学学士学位;2003.6毕业于中国农业大学园艺系,获农学硕士学位;2003.8-2003.12在北京市农林科学院农业生物技术研究中心任研究助理; 2004.3-2004.12在加拿大阿尔伯特大学(University of Alberta)生物科学系做实验技术员;2009年5毕业于加拿大University of Alberta 农林营养(Agricultural, Forestry and Nutritional Sciences)系获博士(Ph.D)学位;2009.11-2010.3在美国加州大学伯克利分校(UC-Berkeley)做博士后。2010.9-2011.11在新浦京集团350vip园艺学院工作,2011.11月底加入新浦京集团350vip工作。

2. 研究方向:

模式植物拟南芥及芸薹属作物(油菜)参与逆境( 干旱、盐碱)以及抗逆激素相关信号转导的钙离子感受蛋白、激酶(CBL-CIPK, CDPK与MAPK)以及下游转录因子(WRKY、NAC、ABF等)的鉴定与功能分析,开展作物的优质基因资源的挖掘,为培育作物耐逆抗病高产品种提供候选基因。



在研项目: 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、陕西省自然科学项目各一项




5. 近年来发表的主要论文 (*corresponding author;#co-first author):

Zhai Z#, Ao Q#, Yang L, Lu F, Cheng H, Fang Q, Li C, Chen Q, Yan J, Wei Y, Jiang Y-Q*, Yang B* (2024) Rapeseed PP2C37 interacts with PYR/PYL abscisic acid receptors and negatively regulates drought tolerance. J Agri Food Chem., doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.4c00385IF 6.1JCR一区,中科院分区一区)

Wang Z#, Wei X#Cui X, Wang J, Wang Y, Sun M, Zhao P, Yang B, Wang Q, Jiang Y-Q* (2024) The transcription factor WRKY22 modulates ethylene biosynthesis via transactivating the transcription of ACS5 and ACO5 in Arabidopsis. Physiol Plant. Accepted IF6.4JCR一区,中科院分区二区)

Niu F#, Cui X#, Yang B, Wang R, Zhao P, Zhao X, Zhang H, Fan X, Li Y, Deyholos MK*, Jiang Y-Q* (2024) WRKY6 transcription factor modulates root potassium acquisition through promoting expression of AKT1 in Arabidopsis. Plant J,  doi: 10.1111/tpj.16703IF7.2JCR一区,中科院分区一区)

Wang X, Sun M, Li C, Gao S, Cui X, Yan J, Chen Q, Zhao P, Yang B, Jiang Y-Q* (2023)  Rapeseed NTL4 transcription factor positively regulates leaf senescence and resistance against bacterial pathogen via controlling transcription of ROS and SA biosynthetic genes.  Industrial Crops & Products. 206: 117675IF5.9JCR一区,中科院分区一区)

Zhao G#, Cheng Q#, Zhao Y, Wu F, Mu B, Gao J, Yang L, Yan J, Zhang H, Cui X, Chen Q, Lu F, Ao Q, Amdouni A, Jiang Y-Q*, Yang B* (2023) The Abscisic Acid-Responsive Element Binding Factors (ABFs)-MAPKKK18 module regulates ABA- induced leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 299(4):103060IF5.406JCR一区,中科院分区区,校级G2期刊,自然指数期刊之一)

Wang Z, Wei X, Wang Y, Sun M, Zhao P, Wang Q, Yang B*, Li J, Jiang Y-Q* (2023) WRKY29 transcription factor regulates ethylene biosynthesis and response in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol Biochem. 194: 134-145IF5.437JCR一区,中科院分区二区,校级G4期刊)

Chen Q#Yan J#, Tong T#, Zhao P, Wang S, Zhou N, Cui X, Dai M, Jiang Y-Q*, Yang B* (2022) ANAC087 transcription factor positively regulates age-dependent leaf senescence through modulating the expression of multiple target genes in Arabidopsis. J Integr Plant Biol. 65(4):967-984IF9.106JCR一区,中科院分区区,校级G3期刊)

Qian Cheng, Guoying Zhao, Liu Yang, Asma Amdouni, Bangbang Mu, Chaofei Ye, Yuting Zhao, Xiaolin Cheng, Xing Cui, Peiyu Zhao, Hanfeng Zhang, Yu Ma, Yuan-Qing Jiang, Bo Yang *2022Oilseed rape MPK1 mediates reactive oxygen species-dependent cell death and jasmonic acid-induced leaf senescence. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 202: 105028 IF5.427G4

Cheng H#, Pan G#, Zhou N, Zhai Z, Yang L, Zhu H, Cui X, Zhao P, Zhang H, Li S, Yang B*, Jiang Y-Q* (2022) Calcium-dependent Protein Kinase 5 (CPK5) positively modulates drought tolerance through phosphorylating ABA-Responsive Element Binding Factors in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Plant Sci315:111125IF5.363JCR一区,中科院分区二区,校级G4期刊)

J Yan, Y Li, P Zhao, B Mu, Q Chen, X Li, X Cui, Z Wang, J Li, S Li, B Yang* and Y-Q Jiang*2021A Membrane-Bound Transcriptional Activator NTL1 from Rapeseed Positively Modulates Leaf Senescence through Targeting Genes Involved in Reactive Oxygen Species Production and Programmed Cell Death.  J. Agric. Food Chem 69(17):4968-4980IF5.279JCR一区,中科院分区一区,校级G3期刊)

J Yan, Q Chen, X Cui, P Zhao, S Gao, B Yang*, J-X Liu, T Tong, Michael K. Deyholos, Y-Q Jiang*(2021). Ectopic overexpression of a membrane-tethered transcription factor gene NAC60 from oilseed rape positively modulates programmed cell death and age-triggered leaf senescence. Plant J. 105,600–618IF6.417JCR一区,中科院分区一区,校级G2期刊)

Wang Y#,  Cui X#, Yang B#,  Xu S,  Wei X,  Zhao P,  Niu F,  Sun M,  Wang C, Cheng H,  Jiang Y-Q*(2020). WRKY55 transcription factor positively regulates leaf senescence and defense response through modulating the transcription of genes implicated in ROS and SA biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Development. dev.189647 doi: 10.1242/dev.189647IF6.868JCR一区,中科院分区二区,校级G3期刊)

Niu F, Cui X, Zhao P, Sun M, Yang B*, Deyholos MK, Li Y, Zhao X, Jiang Y-Q* (2020). WRKY42 transcription factor positively regulates leaf senescence through modulating SA and ROS synthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 104(1):171-184. IF6.141JCR一区,中科院分区一区,校级G2期刊)

X Cui, P Zhao, W Liang, Q Cheng, B Mu, F Niu, J Yan, C Liu, H Xie, Nat N V Kav, MK Deyholos, Y-Q Jiang*, B Yang*. A rapeseed WRKY transcription factor phosphorylated by CPK modulates cell death and leaf senescence by regulating the expression of ROS and SA-synthesis-related genes. J Agric Food Chem . 2020 Jun 12. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.0c02500. IF4.192JCR一区,中科院分区一区,校级G3期刊)

L Yang, C Ye, Y Zhao, X Cheng, Y Wang, Y-Q Jiang*, B Yang*. An oilseed rape WRKY-type transcription factor regulates ROS accumulation and leaf senescence in Nicotiana benthamiana and Arabidopsis through modulating transcription of RbohD and RbohF. Planta, 2018, 247 (6): 1323-1338 JCR一区,中科院分区二区,校级G4期刊)

Q Chen, F Niu, J Yan, B Chen, F Wu, X Guo, B Yang* and Y-Q Jiang*. Oilseed rape NAC56 Transcription factor modulates Reactive Oxygen Species accumulation and hypersensitive response-like cell death. Physiologia Plantarum, 2017, 160 (2): 209-221 IF 4.148 15

MS Rehmani, Q Chen, J Yan, Xing Cui, S Gao, F Niu, L Yang, B Yang*, Y-Q Jiang*. A novel stress-responsive BnaNAL1 transcriptional activator in oilseed rape positively modulates reactive oxygen species production and cell death. Environ Exp Bot. 2019. 163: 1-14. IF4.027 G4

Y Sun#, C Wang#, B Yang#*, X Hao, W Liang, F Wu, F Niu, J Yan, H Zhang, B Wang, M K. Deyholos, Y-Q Jiang*. Identification and functional analysis of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK) genes in canola (Brassica napus L.). J Exp Bot, 2014. 65 (8): 2171-2188 IF 5.908 G3

W Liang#, B Yang#, B Yu, Z Zhou, C Li, M Jia, Y Sun, Y Zhang, F Wu, H Zhang, B Wang, MK Deyholos, Y-Q Jiang*. Identification and analysis of MKK and MPK gene families in canola (Brassica napus L.). BMC Genomics, 2013. 14: 392 IF 3.594

Liang Li, Chaofei Ye, Rui Zhao, Xin Li, Wuzhen Liu, Feifei Wu, Jingli Yan, Yuanqing Jiang, Bo Yang*. Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK) 4 from rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is a novel member inducing ROS accumulation and cell death. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2015, 467 (4): 792-797JCR二区,中科院分区三区)

H Zhang#, B Yang#, W Liu, H Li, L Wang, M Deng, B Wang, W Liang, MK Deyholos, Y-Q Jiang*. Identification and characterization of CBL and CIPK gene families in canola (Brassica napus L.). BMC Plant Biol, 2014. 14:8 IF 3.497

H Zhang#, W Liu#, Y Zhang#, M Deng, F Niu, B Yang*, X Wang, B Wang, W Liang, MK Deyholos, and Y-Q Jiang*. Identification, expression and interaction analyses of calcium-dependent protein kinase (CPK) genes in canola (Brassica napus L.). BMC Genomics, 2014. 15: 211 JCR一区,中科院分区二区,校级G4期刊)

Yang B, Jiang Y-Q, Rahman NH, Deyholos MK, and Kav NNV* (2009). Identification and  expression analysis of WRKY transcription factor genes in canola (Brassica napus) in response to fungal pathogens and hormone treatments. BMC Plant Biol, 6(1): 8 JCR一区,中科院分区二区,校级G4期刊)



6. 其他学术活动:

常年应邀为国际学术期刊New Phytologist, Plant Physiology, Plant Journal, GCB-Bioenergy, Plant Mol Biol, BMC Plant Biology, BMC Genomics, PlosOne, Planta, Plant Science等审稿。是国家自然科学基金委员会青年基金项目通讯评审人。

7.  招生专业与研究方向:


研究生招生专业:学硕与学博:071007遗传学(01植物分子遗传方向)、 071010生物化学与分子生物学(01植物逆境分子生物学), 专业硕士:086000生物与医药(现代生物技术与工程专项)

8. 通讯地址:



E-mail:yangwl AT nwsuaf DOT edu DOT cn (使用时请将AT改成@,dot改成点号)

Fax: 029-87092262