
作者: 来源: 发布日期:2016-11-09 浏览次数:





2015.06-今     新浦京集团350vip新浦京集团350vip,讲师、副教授

2011.10-2014.12  法国蒙波利埃大学(Université de Montpellier),进化生物学研究所(Institut des Sciences de l’Évolution de Montpellier, ISEM),进化论、生态学、基因库与古生物学,博士

2008.09-2011.07  北京师范大学新浦京集团350vip,微生物与生化药学(理学),硕士

2004.09-2008.07  北京师范大学新浦京集团350vip,生物科学,学士





3.教研论文:王辉, 易华, 姜在民. 中外植物学教材的比较及其启示. 中国林业教育, 2022, 40(3): 51-55.


我的学科领域是进化生物学。“自然选择、适者生存”是进化论的基石和生物学最基本的核心问题,本人的研究兴趣正是物种以下群体水平(microevolution, 微进化)的适应性演化(adaptive evolution)。目前我们有两个较为成熟的研究体系,开展以下两个方面的研究工作:

1.植物表型适应及进化机制:利用群体遗传学和群体基因组学方法(microsatellites, SNPs, etc.),以系统的野外观察为基础,结合形态、生理、生态、基因等多方面的综合,探讨植物表型(叶形leaf shape、花色flower colour)多样性的演变与环境适应的关系,进而解析适应的遗传机制。目前主要围绕豆科棘豆属(Oxytropis, 单复叶型变异)开展。


[招生信息] 欢迎对进化生物学和生态学感兴趣的同学申请研究生项目,也欢迎有兴趣的大三、大四本科生进行短期科研训练、开展毕业论文等。




3.中国科学院热带森林生态学重点实验室开放课题,09KF001B04,刺参科刺续断(Acanthocalyx nepalensis)花色多态性演化的研究,2018/07-2020/06,10万元,主持。




1. Hui Wang*, Xin-Nuo Li, Song-Hua Mo, Min Wang, Pei-Liang Liu, Qin Li, Zhao-Yang Chang. (2022). Tension zone trapped by exogenous cline: analysis of a narrow hybrid zone between two parapatric Oxytropis species (Fabaceae). Ecology and Evolution, 12: e9351.

2. Hui Wang*, Pei-Liang Liu, Jian Li, Han Yang, Qin Li, Zhao-Yang Chang. (2021). Why more leaflets? The role of natural selection in shaping the spatial pattern of leaf-shape variation in Oxytropis diversifolia (Fabaceae) and two close relatives. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12: 681962.

3. Hui Wang*, Han Yang, Pei-Liang Liu, Chun Su, Liang Xiao, Zhao-Yang Chang *. (2018). Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from Oxytropis diversifolia (Fabaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences, 6: e1168.

4. Eduardo Narbona#, *, Hui Wang#, Pedro Luis Ortiz, Montserrat Arista, Eric Imbert. (2018). Flower colour polymorphism in the Mediterranean Basin: occurrence, maintenance and implications for speciation. Plant Biology, (Suppl. 1): 8–20.

5. Hui Wang, Maria Talavera, Ya Min, Elodie Flaven, Eric Imbert*. (2016). Neutral processes contribute to patterns of spatial variation for flower colour in the Mediterranean Iris lutescens (Iridaceae). Annals of Botany, 117: 995–1007.

6. Hui Wang#, Lucie Conchou#, Jean-Marie Bessiere, Guillaume Cazals, Bertrand Schatz*, Eric Imbert*. Flower color polymorphism in Iris lutescens (Iridaceae): biochemical analyses in light of plant-insect interactions. Phytochemistry, 2013, 94: 123–134.

7. Hui Wang, Yan-Mei Cui, Chang-Qi Zhao*. (2010). Flavonoids of the genus Iris (Iridaceae). Mini-reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 10: 643–661.


1. Qi-Yong Mu#, Chih-Chieh Yu#, Yan Wang, Ting-Shen Han, Hui Wang, Wen-Na Ding, Qiu-Yue Zhang, Shook Ling Low, Quan-Jing Zheng, Chuan Peng, Zheng-Yan Hu, Yao-Wu Xing*. (2022). Comparative phylogeography of Acanthocalyx (Caprifoliaceae) reveals distinct genetic structures in the Himalaya–Hengduan Mountains. Alpine Botany, 132: 153–168.

2. Daniel Souto-Vilarós, Ana Vuleta, Sanja Manitašević Jovanović, Sanja Budečević, Hui Wang, Yuval Sapir, Eric Imbert*. (2018). Are pollinators the agents of selection on flower colour and size in irises? Oikos, 127: 834–846.

3. Eric Imbert*, Hui Wang, Lucie Conchou, Hugo Vincent, Maria Talavera, Bertrand Schatz. (2014). Positive effect of the yellow morph on female reproductive success in the flower colour polymorphic Iris lutescens (Iridaceae), a deceptive species. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 27: 1965–1974.

4. Eric Imbert*, Hui Wang, Bruce Anderson, Beatrice Hervouet, Maria Talavera, Bertrand Schatz. (2014). Reproductive biology and colour polymorphism in the food-deceptive Iris lutescens (Iridaceae). Acta Botanica Gallica: Botany letters, 2014, 161: 117127.

5. Yan-Mei Cui, Hui Wang, Quan-Ru Liu, Mei Han, Yang Lu, Chang-Qi Zhao*. (2011). Flavans from Iris tenuifolia and their effects on beta-amyloid aggregation and neural stem cells proliferation in vitro. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 21: 44004403.